Artificial Intelligence allows to increase the resolution of intraoperative CT images with preoperative MRI images, opening up new robotic surgical applications with breakthrough precision
Digital awareness on one’s products and environment, track & trace, IoT devices, smart sensors, remote sensing, is increasingly incorporated. For the next stage, discovering which technologies are the right set for you is a difficult task with the many providers on the market. As technology broker and innovation consultancy Verhaert will validate which technologies are most suited and connect you to the right partner for your application.
With a broad view on technology, owners, as well as client’s operations and application we help selecting and managing the right partners, technologies and build a successful ecosystem for implementation.
Proven methodology for cost-efficient derisking of technology, user and market.
Mechatronics & kinematics
Sensors & optics
Power & control electronics
System design
AI & control algorithms
IoT & communication
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