Continuous innovation is necessary if you want to be successful as a company in the long term. Which innovation strategy fits your company? How can you make a difference as a company? It’s a process that never stops. Be encouraged to innovate during Verhaert’s Innovation Day on Friday the 18th of October, an annual conference on product, business and technology innovation.
Innovation in perspective
How did the innovation landscape change? What did we learn from the past and what are the trends towards a better future? With 16 inspiring lectures in 5 tracks, Verhaert wants to encourage professionals from different sectors to innovate.
1. MyFutureProduct – New value creation platforms
Products of the ’60s were very much about hardware design for new industrial production processes. What will future products look like? How do you make your propositions future proof? Let’s explore a generic blue print for future proof products and services.
2. MyInnovationFactory – Organizing innovation in an increasing complex world
A few decades ago breakthrough innovation came from highly confidential corporate labs and rigid organizations. Today start-ups are setting the new standards and agile seems to be the way to do. Find the building blocks for your future innovation factory.
3. MyStartUp – Changing the entrepreneurial landscape
San Francisco was the capital of the late sixties hippie movement. The following decades Silicon Valley became the world’s largest hot spot for technology, innovation and start-ups. What can we learn from Silicon Valley to start your own future start-up.
4. MyFutureGovernment – The impact of the government on innovation
The club of Rome questioned our volume driven industrial model 50 years ago, and pushed towards a more sustainable vision. Critics of today pinpoint the potential impact of new technologies and the need for differentiated local actions. Explore how governments can accelerate innovation to the best of society.
5. MyTechnology – How new are new technologies?
New technologies and innovation have been driven by science since the ’60s. The latest technologies of today are often a result of connecting science domains. This requires another approach on technology forecasting, scouting and transfer. Learn more about this fresh perspective based on 4 technology domains.
Also guest speakers from Möbius Business Redesign and DEME explain how they create an innovation culture as an organization. The Innovation Day is therefore a perfect opportunity to meet other innovation professionals and learn from their insights. Register quickly, the places are limited.
50 years pioneering innovation
Since 1969, Verhaert Masters in Innovation has pioneered the product innovation business. The integral service provider in product development helps companies and entrepreneurs to develop and implement successful innovation projects. Together with their customers, they develop new breakthrough products, services and businesses in an integrated way.
Verhaert can look back on a rich history in innovation. A history in which they developed a unique organization and corporate culture. During the annual conference Innovation Day, Verhaert wants to share insights, best practices, tools, cases and concepts on product, business and technology innovation.