Our story
Let’s boost your capacity to innovate!
Since our foundation in 1969, we believe innovation is key for a better world, yet it’s not a walk in the park. In an integrated way we master innovation and address trends and challenges of tomorrow. That’s why we‘re called ‘Masters in Innovation’.
Welcome to the sweet spot of innovation! Verhaert is an independent pioneering European innovation factory. We cross industries to help ambitious corporations and start-ups to boost their capacity to innovate successfully.
Together we scout, invent, create, scale and fund digital and physical breakthrough products and services. To do so, we work in integrated multi-disciplinary teams combining in-depth expertise with great conceptual thinking.
Our offerings are all based on our RICE methodology, our competence labs and our enabling technology portfolio. We’re active in the market through the brands Verhaert, Beacon, LOAD and Lambda-X.
What we offer
50 years of leadership in innovation
Today, Verhaert can look back at a rich history in innovation. A history in which we developed a unique organization and culture step by step. Our uniqueness? We combine multidisciplinary system engineering with a user centered design process and business insights.
Founded by Prof. Em. P. Verhaert, pioneering integrated product innovation in Belgium
First activity in space industry, developing systems engineering capabilities
Design, build, launched and commissioned the first small EU satellite for ESA in orbit: PROBA (now QinetiQ Space nv)
Kick off Perfect Draft program for AB InBev, developing FMCG insights
Spin-out Verhaert Space, later sold to QinetiQ Plc
Set up innovation center in the Netherlands
Start on-site consultancy activities
Start technology transfer and incubation services
Acquisition of Lambda-X
Acquisition of Moebius Consulting
Acquisition of LOAD
Acquisition of Pegus Digital
50th anniversary and acquisition of BEACON
Acquisition of Academy for Corporate Entrepreneurship (AfCE)
Acquisition of Bagaar
Acquisition of The Engineering Network (TEN)
Pioneer in product development & innovation consultancy
“The beauty of innovation lies in the fact that it is within reach of everybody on the planet. It is an endogen capacity of mankind for growth and value creation. It basically is an intellectual exercise shadowing all other competitive advantages that in most cases are only temporary.”
– Paul Verhaert, Founder in 1969 –
Values, summarized by RICE
Verhaert Masters in Innovation is a community of RICE innovation professionals. RICE stands for Reliable, Innovative, Creative and Entrepreneurial. We believe those values are the basis of our success and the key to the interactions we have with our clients. Therefore we like make them explicit.
Open, transparent, predictable and loyal
State of the art, embracing the unknown
Outside the box and solution oriented
Hands on, engaged and pragmatic
Key figures
We work for ambitious companies in different sectors covering Aerospace, FMCG, Life Sciences, Industry, Internet of Things and Technology. Since 1969 we create successful breakthrough products with our customers.
Among them there are international market leaders such as AB InBev, Atlas Copco and Novartis as well as start-up companies. Thanks to our rich heritage, we are called ‘Masters in Innovation’.