Changing the complex world cannot be achieved by a single person, company or sector. Gathering data from and controlling behavior of all actors through collective intelligence are pathways to innovation. The Innovation Day on Friday the 19th of October has 3 interesting sessions on design for a better world.
Innovating the smart city
“Our society is in transition. We’re navigating towards a smart city: a data driven and connected system”, says Dany Robberecht, Director Innovation Consultancy. “Cities are experimenting, a lot of fragmented things are going on. How do we avoid an innovation bubble? How to build a model to create a better world?” During this session you’ll discover new solutions to become radically better in something you’re not familiar with.
Nudging, design concepts to change behavior
Nudging can be defined as a value-based approach which proposes a positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions as ways to influence user’s behavior. “Fortunately, there are better ways to change behavior”, says David Pas, Coordinator DesignLab, about the great example below on how not to change behavior. “At the Innovation Day next week, we will tell you more about nudges and behavior”, says Louise Haazen, Consultant DesignLab, “Looking forward to share with you insights and lessons learned from recent projects.”
Collective intelligence: a dystopian innovation path today, a utopia tomorrow
Multi-sided business models will help you to open data monetization for multiple users while lowering costs of the system for every stakeholder. During this session Frederik Wouters, Business Development Director at Verhaert, takes the car as example which is evolving to a central platform for the future. “Together, all cars offer connectivity, great computing power and a lot of sensors offering hyperlocal information. Building a collective intelligence system by using car data will offer a challenge for both technology and business models.”
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