Discover the business potential of state-of-the-art nuclear fusion technologies for remote handling applications outside the fusion industry. Join the webinar on April 6th, hosted by Fusion for Energy and Verhaert Masters in Innovation.
What to expect
Looking for solutions for operating at long distance, in vacuum or harsh environments, or with exposure to radiation? During this event Fusion for Energy and Verhaert will present fusion technologies available on the Technology Transfer Program marketplace and opportunities for remote handling.
Together with the entire technology broker network, we will discuss latest developments and most relevant technology packages available in the nuclear field. During this webinar, you can explore synergies between fusion technologies and non-fusion applications. In addition to the Fusion for Energy and ITER project ecosystems, we will introduce you to the Marketplace, the process and opportunities of the Technology Transfer Activities.
The event takes place on 6 April 2021 and starts at 14h (CET).
14h00 – 14h15 |
Introduction of the Fusion for Energy Technology Transfer program |
14h15 – 14h45 |
Presentation of fusion technologies and their applications for remote handling
14h45 – 14h55 |
Q&A session |
14h55 – 15h00 |
Wrap up |
15h00 – 16h00 |
Pre-scheduled B2B meetings |
Carmen Casteras
Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Officer at Fusion for Energy
Luisa Leroy
Technology Transfer broker at Verhaert Masters in Innovation
Alexandre Pages
Chief operations officer at GTD
Javier Varas
Chief operations officer at Cedrat
Examples of technologies available
Simple vision software for harsh environments
Tampere University
Thanks to the technology developed by Tampere University in collaboration with Fusion for Energy and TEKES, we are now able to locate the position and orientation of a piece of remote handling equipment in extremely harsh environments. This technology can have an added value for the space, off-shore deep sea exploration, rescue and energy industry.
Adaptable remote handling diagnostics tool
Are you looking for a system to know beforehand what data will provide relevant information to prevent failure of the system? For this reason it is important to have a flexible system that allows the creation of new diagnostic rules or diagnostic functions.
Cost effective Robot system ready for the market
The cost effective robot system developed by Fusion for Energy and GTD increases the safety and precise control of remote operations. A high-quality industrial software can now be used with any kind of robotic equipment for critical operations such as handling systems!
New piezo motor for thermal vacuum environments
Are you active in space, healthcare or nuclear applications and looking for a MSPA Piezo motor to operate in harsh environments? The Piezo motor developed by Cedrat and Fusion for Energy is able to travel long distances without needing maintenance. This solution is especially relevant for accurate micro and nano positioning applications in environments requiring reliability in lifetime in vacuum and thermal applications (30-360K).
Sign up
Signing up for this webinar is no longer possible.
Stay tuned for the recording!