Making your industry smart is hard? Join the workshop on Thursday 13 June at The Beacon and find your way to smart industry solutions.

How to create innovative products cost-effectively while managing risks?
Hackathons, agile and lean start-ups, rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing … everyone seems to be innovating. If you haven’t started developing yet, you’re doing it wrong. But hardware is hard. After the idea or demo there’s often a long and expensive road ahead. Find out Verhaert’s RICE integrated product development methodology based on smart industry cases: flow sensors for factories of the future, safety devices for rail, early fire detection and propagation …
Sign up for the workshop
Thursday 13 June, 10h30 at room Fearless in The Beacon. Registrations are free but required since seats are limited.
About Get Connected at The Beacon
From 11 till 14 June it’s buzzing with activity at The Beacon. Discover the added value of IoT and AI during workshops, panel debates or just networking. In 4 thematic days you get a glimpse of the future. Visit the The Beacon for more information.