Demetra, a revolutionary skin imaging platform created by Barco and Verhaert, Masters in Innovation, has won the prestigious Henry van de Velde Gold Award 2020 in the category ‘Business Innovation’.
The Demetra device is the result of a fruitful collaboration between Barco and Verhaert, Masters in Innovation. The recognition is an important reward for the solution’s functional and aesthetic design, which was developed with efficiency, ergonomy and qualitative results in mind.
During the development of Demetra, we put a lot of effort in the user-friendliness of our solution, and in the fit with the doctor’s workflow. We used an iterative user-centered approach to get every detail right. Many dermatologists are truly enthusiastic about the result: a portable, wireless and ergonomic dermatoscope with a nice-looking design. We are grateful that we now also received this recognition from the experts of the Henry van de Velde jury.
Jana De Cock, Product Manager Demetra at Barco
Next-gen of dermoscopy
Co-developed with leading dermatologists, Demetra is a revolutionary skin imaging platform that unifies innovative technology and sleek design. It allows dermatologists to take any kind of picture and makes mapping, follow-up and comparison of skin images smoother and smarter. The future-proof solution will come with advanced insights based on Artificial Intelligence, that support clinical decisions in real-time. Demetra brings a revolution in skin imaging, and it’s shaping the future of dermatology.
Henry van de Velde Awards
Henry van de Velde was a Belgian painter, designer and architect who was active from the end of the 19th century until the 1950s. The Henry van de Velde Awards are the oldest, most prestigious design acknowledgements in Belgium and have been awarded to designers, organizations and companies since 1994.
This year, 304 projects were submitted, which is 50 more compared to 2019. Last November, the jury, chaired by Professor at the Faculty of Design Sciences at Antwerp University, Chris Baelus, already chose 21 winners in 8 categories. Demetra was one of the three winners in the ‘Business Innovation’ category. Yesterday, the Gold Winners in each category were announced. Demetra received the honor of winning in its category.
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