Corporations have to be resilient, balancing their innovation efforts between supporting the core business and developing new initiatives for further growth and transformation. Both have their own dynamics, often competing internally for attention. In partnership with our customers we set up, manage and operate innovation factories: agile and integrated innovation teams dedicated towards strategic agendas allowing you to focus operationally on the core.
MyInnovationFactory comprises of a comprehensive framework, toolbox and supporting services to CXOs. It aims to set up, develop and strengthen your innovation research and develop your company as efficiently as a factory.
Innovation complexity increases, while its delivery time decreases. IR&D organizations need to be agile and open to cope with disruption, while they should focus on the core business as well.
Where to?
MyInnovationFactory makes your organization future-proof and ready to handle multidisciplinary innovation challenges. It can be implemented in an open, virtual or corporate setup.
“In our fast-moving and complex business, we have to rethink coordinating our organization and processes. This blueprint and these services provide a great framework for that.”
Gunther, CEO
Blueprint & services for your innovation factory
Innovation factories are set-up and customized to cope with your strategic innovation challenges like open, circular, adjacent, digital and service innovation, among others.

A reliable pathway to successful innovation, generating space for creativity and entrepreneurship.