Lean innovation management
Design thinking has become a magical word, but how do you practice it? Innovation managers leading breakthrough innovation projects seek different methods to complement advanced project management skills. This masterclass takes you to the center of gravity in setting up, planning and organizing innovation projects.
The course is build upon over 50 years of hands-on experience in managing breakthrough technology development programs. Ready to discover fundamental methods to guide your teams to success? With 5 workshops you have a well balanced menu of theory, practical insights and learning by doing.
Hogenakkerhoekstraat 21, 9150 Kruibeke
Interesting for
- Innovation managers
- R&D managers
- R&D project leaders
- R&D directors
- Entrepreneurs & start-ups
Overview of key innovation concepts
- What key challenges do innovation managers face?
- What does it mean for managing them?
Workshop ‘Design a compelling innovation brief’
How to manage innovation projects?
- Identify the pathways for innovation.
- Learn to design sprints for complex multidisciplinary projects.
Workshop ‘Innovation pathways & design sprints’
How to plan innovation?
- What are the main components of an innovation plan?
- How to develop adequate plans including clear work package descriptions with deliverables?
- Learn to de-risk innovation and develop clear structured approaches integrating different disciplines.
Workshop ‘Design a project plan’
Develop a compelling project organization
- How to build the right team?
- What team roles do you need to foresee?
- How to organize your project team?
Workshop ‘Organize team roles & culture’
Building an open innovation organization
- What flanking models do exist?
- How to set up an open innovation model?
Workshop ‘Open Innovation at my company’
Dany Robberecht
Director Innovation Consulting
Stijn Smet
Coordinator InnoLab
1.250 euro (excl. VAT)
Special offer of 15% discount for members of the Verhaert Masters in Innovation community, customers, start-ups and 2nd participants of the same organization.
Participation at our activities up to 40% discount using KMO portefeuille, a subsidy for Flemish SME’s and independent professionals.
Request via OPLEIDING: Verhaert New Products & Services – DV.O106845
For more information visit www.kmoportefeuille.be
Sign up for this training by filling out the online registration form. After registration you will receive a confirmation mail with practical information.