The Flemish government is working on an extensive package of support measures to compensate Flemish companies for their lost turnover as a result of the Brexit. Verhaert offers you support to build a successful subsidy application for your strategic transformation process.
Post-Brexit support measures
As the Brexit agreement was signed at the end of 2020, the support measures of the Flemish and Belgian governments are beginning to take shape. Flanders is currently working on an extensive package of support measures, consisting of a post-Brexit resilience subsidy, subsidized training and reinforced instruments from FIT, VLAIO and VLAM. Flanders is providing a total of 53 million euros for these support measures.
Strategic transformation process
With these subsidies, Flanders wants to help SMEs that are (in)directly affected by the Brexit by sustainably and fundamentally transforming their strategic plans. For example, companies can find new market segments or regions, launch a product diversification or create new service models, more on this on strategic transformation. For these transformation processes, an SME can apply for a subsidy of up to 50.000 euros. In addition, the financial support is completed with guidance from an employee of the Flemish government during the entire process. Sustainable investments and innovations are also eligible for strategic transformation or ecology support.
Successful strategic subsidy applications
In addition to product and service development, Verhaert offers companies support to successfully apply for subsidies. We can help create a strategic pivot, from a strategic level, product portfolio or individual product, by drawing up a new strategy, finding (new) added value through market research or identifying (new) customer needs and motivation. Thanks to the subsidies of the Flemish government, companies can accelerate growth while easing the risks and costs of innovation. We look forward to sharing our thorough understanding of the necessary application elements with you.
For more information on Verhaert’s funding application services, feel free to contact us to discuss your personal trajectory or visit the FundIt webpage.