Technology management
Verhaert has more than 50 years’ experience working in cutting-edge R&D environments, including managing IP and technology portfolios.
360° product review & audit
We help you to assess your technology, product designs, as well as your innovation and R&D organization, methodology and processes. By doing so we benchmark, increase maturity and help you to manage risks. We make the difference in supplier management, crisis management, acquisitions and internal reorganizations.
- Technology assessment
- Product management
- Business assessment
- Design review
- New products introduction process
- R&D management
Technology scouting
Technology is a key enabler for breakthrough innovation. It helps you overcome problems, question the status quo and create new opportunities. We help you identify the right technology bundle and solutions to boost your innovation program.
Technology de-risking
The process of product and technology development contains risks. Developing a product that uses new technologies can even increase risks. Therefore it is important to understand those risks early on and have strategies to mitigate them.
Verhaert has more than 50 years’ experience working in cutting-edge R&D environments where managing technology risk is critical. We measure risk from the very early concept stage against criteria such as expected functionality, user experience, cost and time frames.
Application mapping
We provide a structured process to identify, conceptualize and validate new applications and business opportunities. Based on desk research, creativity tools and databases, we deliver sprint-based innovation tracks like workshops and so-called pressure cookers. These services are delivered by multi-disciplinary teams providing a 360° view on markets, while fully understanding the quality but also boundary conditions of your technologies.

Technology partnerships & transfer
From a donor perspective
By marketing your IP and technology portfolio, you can improve your return-on-innovation. Based on a structured process, we guide you through the complete technology marketing cycle, from technology and IP assessment, to application mapping for valuation, feasibility and mediation.
From an applicant perspective
Technology transfer can effectively reduce time-to-market and achieve cost efficiency across your development and production processes. Other key benefits: risk management, bridging technology gaps and new opportunity discovery. Verhaert has a unique database, network and partnerships to identify state-of-the-art technologies, being IP or in public domain, and transfer them to your new applications.

We use digital tools like Patsnap to landscape technology domains and their business impact.