Circular economy in the building industry
We should bring the building industry towards a circular economy. By including various sectors, it can embrace different value chains.
We should bring the building industry towards a circular economy. By including various sectors, it can embrace different value chains.
An often heard comment nowadays, is that everyone is talking about smart cities, but that little is actually happening. This...
What is important for users? Are they prepared to buy it? Through value engineering you can determine both user needs & product functionality.
Cities and governments often have to deal with social problems. This calls for substantial innovations in which they act as launching customers.
Why should you consider technology transfer for your current innovation? The short answer: to take a shortcut towards your new solution.
The key to value engineering: set clear product requirements.
It’s crucial to understand as soon as possible the goal and motivation which needs to be accomplished
How to survive the chasm of the product life cycle?
The perfect ingredients to generate great concepts swiftly in a limited timeframe, leading to a worldwide innovation?
A matter of survival in times of rapid change.
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